All Xbox 360 games are used, complete in case, tested, and in good condition unless otherwise stated.

Prices and availability subject to change. All prices + HST.


Xbox 360 Slim 120 GB + 1 Official Wireless Controller $110 Sold

Xbox 360 Slim 250GB with 1 wireless controllers $140 Sold


Xbox 360 Official Wireless controller

$45 & up Sold

Xbox 360 Game List:

Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation (with manual) $14.99

Afro Samurai (no manual) $34.99

Alan Wake (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Alan Wake Limited Edition $99.99 Sold

Alice Madness Returns (with manual) $44.99

Alien Isolation (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Aliens Colonial Marines (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Aliens vs. Predator (with manual) $24.99

All Pro Football 2K8 (with manual) $19.99

Alone in the Dark (with manual) $9.99

Angry Birds Star Wars (no manual) $9.99

Armored Core V (with manual) $59.99 Sold

Army of Two (no manual) $4.99 Sold

Army of Two (with manual) $9.99

Assassin's Creed (with manual) $4.99

Assassin's Creed II (with manual) $4.99

Assassin's Creed III (with manual) $4.99

Assassin's Creed Revelations (with manual) $4.99

Avatar the Burning Earth (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Avatar the Game (with manual) $14.99

Baja Edge of Control (with manual) $14.99

Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Batman Arkham City (with manual) $9.99

Batman Arkham City GOTY (with manual) $12.99 Sold 

Batman Arkham Origins (with manual) $24.99 Sold 

Batman: Arkham Asylum (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY 3D Slip Cover Edition (with manual) $19.99

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Ed. (with manual) $9.99

Battle Stations Midway (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (with manual) $4.99

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Ultimate Edition (with manual) $4.99

Battlefield Bad Company Gold Edition (with manual) $14.99

Bayonetta (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Ben 10 Omniverse 2 (new) $49.99

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cosmic Destruction (no manual) $29.99

Bionic Commando (with manual) $12.99

BioShock (with manual) $4.99

BioShock 2 (with manual) $4.99  Sold

BioShock Infinite (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Black Eyed Peas Experience (with manual) $4.99

Blue Dragon (with manual) $59.99

Blur (with manual) $54.99

Borderlands 2 Add On Pack (with manual) $9.99

Borderlands Double Game Add-On Pack (with manual) $9.99

Borderlands Game of the Year (with manual) $9.99

Borderlands Pre-Sequel (with manual) $9.99

Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway (with manual) $14.99

Brutal Legend (with manual) $11.99

Bullet Storm Epic Edition (with manual) $9.99

Bully Scholarship Edition (with manual + poster) $19.99

Burger King Big Bumpin (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Burger King Sneak King (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Burnout Paradise (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Cabela's Big Game Hunter (with manual) $14.99

Cabela's North American Adventures (with manual) $19.99

Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010 (with manual) $14.99

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (with manual) $9.99

Call of Duty Advance Warfare Steel Book Edition (no manual) $19.99 Sold

Call of Duty Black Ops (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Call of Duty Black Ops II (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Call of Duty Ghosts (with manual) $4.99

Call of Duty Ghosts Steel Book Edition (with manual) $19.99

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (no manual) $9.99

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (with manual) $9.99

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Steel Book Edition (with manual) $19.99

Call of Duty the War Collection (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Call of Duty World at War (with manual) $9.99

Call of Juarez the Cartel (with manual) $14.99

Castlevania Lords of Shadow (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Catherine (with manual) $19.99

Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena (no manual) $19.99 Sold

Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena (with manual) $24.99

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars (with manual) $11.99

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 (with manual) $11.99

Conan (with manual) $12.99

Condemned Criminal Origins (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Crackdown (with manual) $7.99

Crackdown 2 (with manual) $9.99

Crash Mind Over Mutant (with manual) $39.99 Sold

Crysis 2 (no manual) $4.99

CSI Fatal Conspiracy (with manual) $9.99

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Deadly Intent (with manual) $19.99

Dance Central 2 (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Dante's Inferno (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dark Sector (with manual) $7.99

Dark Souls (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Dark Souls (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Darkness (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Darksiders (with manual) $7.99

Darksiders II (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Dead Island Game of the Year (with manual) $9.99

Dead Island Riptide Special Edition (with manual) $9.99

Dead or Alive 4 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dead or Alive 5 (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (with manual) $49.99  Sold

Dead Rising 2 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Dead Rising 2 Off the Record (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Dead Space 2 (with manual) $12.99

Deadpool (with manual) $24.99 Sold

DeathSmiles (with manual) $34.99  Sold

Deus Ex Human Revolution (with manual) $6.99 Sold

Devil May Cry 4 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Devil May Cry HD Collection (no manual) $12.99 Sold

Diablo III Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition (no manual) $14.99

Divinity II the Dragon Knight Saga Xbox 360 (with manual) $49.99

DMC Devil May Cry (no manual) $4.99 Sold

Dragon Age Awakening Origins Expansion (with manual) $9.99

Dragon Age II (with manual) $9.99

Dragon Age II Bioware Signature Edition (with manual) $14.99

Dragon Age Inquisition (with manual) $4.99

Dragon Age Origins Collector's Edition (with manual) $44.99

Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 (with manual) $54.99 Sold

Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z (no manual) $19.99 Sold

Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Dragonball Xenoverse XIV (with manual) $12.99

Dragon's Dogma (with manual) $9.99 Sold 

Dungeon Siege III (with manual) $9.99

Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (no manual) $12.99

Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Dynasty Warriors 8 (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Dynasty Warriors Gundam (with manual) $34.99 Sold

Earth Defense Force 2017 (no manual) $19.99

Earth Defense Force 2025 $24.99 Sold

Eat Lead the Return of Matt Hazard (with manual) $14.99

El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (with manual) $9.99

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition (steelbook with manual) $39.99

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion GOTY (with manual) $9.99

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition (with manual) $14.99

Enchanted Arms (with manual) $29.99

Enslaved (with manual) $14.99

Eternal Sonata (with manual) $34.99

F.E.A.R 3 (with manual) $19.99

F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin (with manual) $14.99

F.E.A.R. Files (with manual) $49.99 Sold

F1 2014 (with manual) $59.99  Sold

Fable II (with manual) $9.99

Fable III (with manual) $6.99 Sold

Face Breaker (with manual) $9.99

Facebreaker (new) $24.99

Fallout 3 (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Fallout 3 Game of the Year (with manual) $14.99

Fallout New Vegas (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (with manual) $39.99

Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer (with manual) $9.99

Farcry (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Farcry 2 (with manual) $4.99

Fatal Inertia (with manual) $99.99

Fear 3 (with manual) $19.99

Fighters Uncaged (with manual) $4.99

Final Fantasy XIII (with manual) $9.99

Forza Horizon Limited Collector s Edition (with manual) $39.99

Forza Motorsport 2 Limited Collector s Ed. $44.99 Sold

Forza Motorsport 4 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Fuel (with manual) $24.99

Gears of War (with manual) $9.99

Gears of War 2 (with manual) $9.99

Gears of War 3 (with manual) $4.99

Gears of War Triple Pack (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Ghostbusters the Video Game (with manual) $14.99 Sold

GTA IV (with manual) $9.99 Sold 

GTA IV Complete Edition (with manual & poster) $29.99

GTA IV Episodes from Liberty City (with manual) $17.99 Sold

GTA San Andreas (with manual & poster) $19.99

GTA V (with manual) $9.99 Sold 

Guitar Hero 5 (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Guitar Hero II (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Guitar Hero Smash Hits (with manual) $44.99

Guitar Hero World Tour (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Gun (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Halo 3 (with manual) $9.99  Sold

Halo 3 ODST (with manual) $9.99

Halo 4 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Halo 4 Steel Book (no manual) $24.99 Sold

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary (no manual) $14.99 Sold

Halo Reach (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Halo Wars (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (with manual) $19.99

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Hawx (with manual) $9.99

Hellboy Science of Evil (with manual) $24.99

Hole in the Wall Deluxe Edition (with manual) $7.99 Sold

Hunted the Demons Force (with manual) $9.99 Sold

IL 2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey (with manual) $12.99

Import Tuner Challenge (with manual) $74.99

Infinite Undiscovery (with manual) $24.99

Injustice Gods Among Us (with manual) $7.99

Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Iron Man 2 (no manual) $16.99 Sold

Jericho (with manual) $12.99

Jurassic Park the Game (no manual) $54.99

Jurassic Park the Game (with manual) $69.99

Just Cause 2 (no manual) $6.99

Just Dance 2014 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Just Dance 3 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Just Dance 4 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Kameo Elements of Power (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Karaoke Revolution (with manual) $4.99

Kinect Adventures (with manual) $3.99 Sold

Kinect Disneyland Adventures (no manual) $4.99

Kinect Sports Season 2 (with manual) $3.99 Sold

Kinect Star Wars (with manual) $9.99

Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Konami Classics Volume 1 (with manual) $74.99

L.A Noire (with manual) $4.99

Left 4 Dead (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Left 4 Dead 2 (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Left 4 Dead Game of the Year Edition (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Legend of the Guardians the Owls of Gahoole (with manual) $9.99

LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham (with manual) $9.99

LEGO Batman & Pure Double Pack (with manual) $9.99

Lego Batman 2 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 (with manual) $9.99

Lego Harry Potter Years 5 7 (with manual) $9.99

LEGO Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda Combo (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Lego Lord of the Rings (no manual) $29.99

Lego Lord of the Rings (with manual) $34.99  Sold

LEGO Marvel Superheroes (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Lost Odyssey (with manual, 4 disc game) $29.99

Lost Planet 3 (no manual) $19.99

Lost Planet Extreme Condition Collector s Edition (with manual) $19.99

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (with manual) $29.99

Marvel Superhero Squad the Infinity Gauntlet (with manual) $9.99

Marvel Ultimate Alliance & Forza 2 (with manual) $14.99  Sold

Marvel Ultimate Alliance (with manual) $9.99

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Mass Effect (with manual) $9.99

Mass Effect 2 (with manual) $4.99

Mass Effect 3 (with manual) $4.99

Max Payne 3 (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Medal of Honor Limited Edition (with manual) $9.99

Mercenaries 2 World in Flames (with manual) $9.99

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (with manual) $44.99

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes (with manual) $9.99

Metro 2033 (with manual) $9.99

Metro Last Light (with manual) $9.99

MIB Alien Crisis (no manual) $7.99

Michael Jackson the Experience (with manual) $9.99

Midway Arcade Origins (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Minecraft Story Mode Season Pass $14.99

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition (digital manual) $19.99 Sold

Mirror's Edge (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Monster Madness Battle for Suburbia (no manual) $14.99 Sold

Mortal Kombat (with manual) $19.99

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Motion Explosion (with manual) $9.99

MySims SkyHeroes (with manual) $7.99

N3 Ninety Nine Nights II (with manual) $59.99

Naruto Rise of Ninja (with manual) $44.99 Sold

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Naval Assault the Killing Tide (with manual) $19.99

NBA Jam (with manual) $29.99

Need for Speed Most Wanted (with manual) $84.99 Sold

Need for Speed Prostreet (no manual) $9.99  Sold 

Need for Speed Shift (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Need for Speed Undercover (with manual) $9.99

NeverDead (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Nier (with manual) $29.99

Ninja Blade (with manual) $59.99

Ninja Gaiden II (no manual) $11.99

Ninja Gaiden II (with manual) $14.99

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Operation Flashpoint Red River (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Orange Box (with manual) $29.99

Otomedius Excellent (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Otomedius Excellent Special Edition (new) $89.99 Sold

Pacman and the Ghostly Adventures (with manual) $14.99

Pacman and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (with manual) $19.99

Payday 2 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Perfect Dark Zero (with manual) $9.99

Persona 4 Arena (with manual) $24.99

PES 2018 Pro Evolution Soccer (no manual) $34.99 Sold

Port Royal 3 Pirates and Merchants (with manual) $12.99

Portal 2 (with manual) $7.99

Prey (with manual) $12.99

Prince of Persia (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands (with manual) $9.99

Project Gotham Racing 3 (with manual) $9.99

Project Gotham Racing 4 (with manual) $9.99

Puss In Boots (no manual) $9.99

Quake 4 (with manual) $12.99

Qubed (new) $59.99

R.U.S.E (with manual) $24.99

Rage Anarchy Edition (with manual) $9.99

Raiden Fighters Aces (with manual) $94.99

Rainbow Six Vegas (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Rayman Legends (no manual) $13.99 Sold

Rayman Origins (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Red Dead Redemption (with manual) $14.99

Red Dead Redemption Special Edition (with manual & slipcover) $14.99

Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare (with manual) $9.99

Red Faction Armageddon (with manual) $9.99

Red Faction Guerrilla (with manual) $4.99

Resident Evil 5 (with manual) $7.99

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (new/sealed) $49.99

Resident Evil 6 (no manual) $7.99 Sold

Rise of Nightmares (with manual) $9.99

Rise of the Argonauts (with manual) $19.99

Rise of the Argonauts (with manual) $9.99

Robert Ludlums The Bourne Conspiracy (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Rock Band (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Rock Band 2 (no manual) $9.99 Sold

Rock Band the Beatles (with manual) $9.99

Rocksmith (with manual) $9.99

Rogue Warrior (with manual) $14.99

Saints Row (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Saints Row 2 (with manual) $9.99

Saints Row Double Pack $24.99

Saints Row IV (with manual) $9.99

Saints Row the Third (no manual) $7.99

Saints Row the Third (with manual) $9.99

Samurai Shodown Sen (with manual) $29.99  Sold

Scene it? Box Office Smash! (with manual) $4.99

Section 8 (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Shadow of Mordor (with manual) $7.99

Shadowrun (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Shadows of the Damned (with manual) $44.99

Silent Hill Downpour (with manual) $69.99

Silent Hill HD Collection (with manual) $39.99

Singularity (with manual) $19.99

Skate 3 (with manual) $9.99

Skylanders Trap Team (no manual) $9.99

Skyrim (with manual) $5.99

Sleeping Dogs (no manual) $6.99

Sleeping Dogs (with manual) $9.99

Sniper Elite V2 Silver Star Edition (with manual) $9.99

Sniper Ghost Warrior (with manual) $7.99

Sonic Generations (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Sonic Sega All Stars Racing (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Sonic the Hedgehog (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (with manual) $9.99

Soul Calibur IV (with manual) $9.99 Sold 

South Park the Stick of Truth (with manual) $9.99

Spider-Man : The Amazing Spider-Man (with manual) $27.99 Sold

Spider-Man 3 (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Spider-Man Edge of Time (with manual) $79.99 Sold

Splatterhouse (with manual) $89.99

Splinter Cell Blacklist (with manual) $12.99 Sold

Splinter Cell Conviction (with manual) $4.99

Splinter Cell Double Agent (no manual) $6.99

SSX (no manual) $9.99

Star Ocean The Last Hope (with manual) $14.99

Star Trek Legacy (with manual) $19.99  Sold

Star Wars the Force Unleashed II (no manual) $8.99 Sold

Stranglehold Collector's Edition (with manual & bonus DVD) $34.99

Street Fighter IV (with manual) $9.99

Stuntman Ignition (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Super Street Fighter IV (no manual) $9.99

Super Street Fighter IV (with manual) $14.99

Superman Returns (no manual) $9.99

Supreme Commander (no manual) $9.99

Supreme Commander (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Syndicate (no manual) $14.99

Tales of Vesperia (with manual) $9.99

Tales of Vesperia Special Edition (with manual) $69.99

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (with manual) $19.99

Terminator Salvation (with manual) $19.99

The Club (with manual) $6.99 Sold

The Darkness II Limited Edition (with manual & poster) $19.99

The Last Remnant (with manual) $14.99

The Outfit (with manual) $9.99

The Saboteur (with manual) $29.99

The Walking Dead Telltale Games Series (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Timeshift (with manual) $7.99

Titan Fall (with manual) $4.99

Tom Clancy s Endwar (with manual) $4.99

Tomb Raider (with manual) $9.99

Tomb Raider Legend (with manual) $14.99 Sold

Tomb Raider Underworld (with manual) $9.99  Sold

Topspin 3 (with manual) $7.99

Transformers Fall of Cybertron (with manual) $69.99 Sold

Turning Point Fall of Liberty (with manual) $9.99

Turok (with manual) $9.99 Sold

Two Worlds (with manual) $4.99

UFC Undisputed 2010 (with manual) $9.99

UFC Undisputed 3 (with manual) $19.99

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (with manual) $19.99 Sold

Universe At War Earth Assault (with manual) $9.99

Velvet Assassin (with manual) $59.99

Venetica (with manual) $44.99

Virtua Fighter 5 (with manual) $14.99

Viva Pinata (new) $24.99  Sold

Viva Pinata Special Edition (with manual) $19.99

Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise (with manual) $24.99 Sold

Warhammer Space Marine (with manual) $29.99 Sold

Watch Dogs (with manual) $4.99 Sold

Wet (with manual) $64.99

Wheelman (with manual) $19.99

Wipeout In the Zone (with manual) $4.99

Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (with manual) $14.99 Sold

World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions 2007 $4.99  Sold

Worms Collection (with manual) $39.99

WWE 13 (with manual) $19.99  Sold

WWE 2K14 (with manual) $19.99

WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2007 (with manual) $44.99

WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2008 (with manual) $24.99 Sold

WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2009 (with manual) $24.99

X-Blades (with manual) $44.99

Xbox Live Arcade Game Pack Bomberman Live, Geometry Wars 2, and Lumines Live (complete with trial) $49.99

XCOM Enemy Unknown (with manual) $9.99

XCOM Enemy Within (with manual) $9.99 Sold 

X-Men Destiny (with manual) $14.99 Sold

X-Men Origins Wolverine (with manual & disc wear) $64.99 Sold

X-Men Origins Wolverine (with manual) $84.99

You Don't Know Jack (with manual) $4.99  Sold

Zoids Assualt (with manual) $99.99

Zone of the Enders HD Collection (with manual) $14.99




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